What to bring

Base plein air Jean-Jeune camping paysage laurentides

Here's what you need to bring during your stay

In the Auberge or Relais:

  • For sleeping
    • Sleeping bag or bedding
    • Pillowcase
    • Toiletry bag
  • For cooking
    • Food
    • Drinks
  • For moving
    • Walking bag
    • Headlamp or flashlight
    • Spare batteries
    • Reusable water bottle
    • Mosquito repellent
    • Sunscreen
    • Sunglasses
    • Warm clothing
    • Rain coat
    • Walking shoes
    • Sandals
    • Bathing suit
    • Hat, cap

In a maisonnette:

  • For sleeping
    • Sleeping bag or bedding
    • Pillow and pillowcase
    • Toiletry bag
  • For cooking
    • Cooler and ice
    • Coffee maker
    • Stove and fuel
    • Matches
    • Axe or hatchet
    • Pots and pans
    • Knives and cutting boards
    • Cups and tumblers
    • Plates and bowls
    • Kitchen utensils
    • Table utensils
    • Can opener
    • Aluminum foil
    • Bottle openers and corkscrews
    • Garbage bags
    • Biodegradable soap
    • Basin
  • To move
    • Walking bag
    • Headlamp or flashlight
    • Spare batteries
    • First-aid kit
    • Reusable water bottle
    • Mosquito repellent
    • Sunscreen
    • Sunglasses
    • Warm clothing
    • Rain coat
    • Walking shoes
    • Bathing suit
    • Hat, cap, tuque


In a tent:

  • For sleeping
    • Tent with pegs
    • Ground sheets
    • Tarpaulins and ropes
    • Ground mattresses
    • Sleeping bag
    • Pillow
    • Toiletry kit
  • For cooking
    • Cooler and ice
    • Coffee maker
    • Stove and fuel
    • Matches
    • Axe or hatchet
    • Pots and pans
    • Knives and cutting boards
    • Cups and tumblers
    • Plates and bowls
    • Kitchen utensils
    • Table utensils
    • Can opener
    • Aluminum foil
    • Bottle openers and corkscrews
    • Garbage bags
    • Biodegradable soap
    • Basin
    • Multifunction tool
    • On the move
    • Walking bag
    • Headlamp or flashlight
    • Spare batteries
    • First-aid kit
    • Reusable water bottle
    • Mosquito repellent
    • Sunscreen
    • Sunglasses
    • Warm clothing
    • Rain coat
    • Walking shoes
    • Bathing suit
    • Hat, cap, tuque

In the Auberge or Relais:

  • For sleeping
    • Sleeping bag or bedding
    • Pillowcase
    • Toiletry bag
  • For cooking
    • Food
    • Drinks
  • For moving
    • Walking bag
    • Headlamp or flashlight
    • Spare batteries
    • Reusable water bottle
    • Mosquito repellent
    • Sunscreen
    • Sunglasses
    • Warm clothing
    • Walking shoes
    • Tuque and mittens
    • Snow coat
    • Snow pants
    • Boots

Our accommodation and activities